Latest News – My talk to the Warriston Residents Assoc – 19 April 2023

April 21, 2023

Once again, I am very grateful to Scott Hastings & the Warriston RA committee for inviting me back to speak at their AGM this year (2023).

What I didn’t know when I spoke to the group last year, was that I would be involved in getting BBC Winterwatch to film in Edinburgh at the start of this year. Not only that but the filming would take place right next door in Warriston Cemetery.

The talk was based on what information & pictures I was sending to the BBC & why.  I also discussed other wildlife locations and the pros & cons of using or not using them in the show.

I also finished off by saying that if Edinburgh was chosen because it is one of the greenest cities in UK, then Warriston possibly has a claim for being one of the greenest areas in the greenest city!

Here are some pics from my talk, most of which were sent to the BBC as well.