Welcome to Go Wild In Edinburgh
Go Wild in Edinburgh
Go Wild in Edinburgh is a collection of my photos of the urban wildlife from Edinburgh & the surrounding Lothians area. It started as a project for me to recover from knee surgery but it has grown somewhat, over the last four years!
Many of these photos have been used by local and national newspapers such as the Herald, the Times and Sunday Times, plus the likes of BBC Scotland, BBC Wildlife Magazine, BBC Winterwatch, The Scots Magazine, Nature Scot, The Scottish Wildlife Trust, the Water of Leith Conservation Trust & many more.
I currently have an exhibition of 45x framed prints on display at the Water of Leith Visitor Centre on Lanark Road, Edinburgh. The exhibition is free, which hopefully encourages visitors to buy a tea/coffee at the same time – all funds go to the Trust. The exhibition is a collection of wildlife photos that I have taken on the Water of Leith over the last couple of years. The visitor centre is open daily from 10am-4pm, Monday to Sunday & it also has a café & loos.
Prints are available for purchase & I have a large selection, in a variety of sizes & finishes. They start at under a fiver for a 6″ x 4″ print and you can find these on my Scottish wildlife website – www.tomkelly.co.uk
…& Finally
I do hope these photos encourage you to take a wander (& a camera) around Edinburgh & the Lothians’ green spaces & waterways & be more aware of the wildlife around us.
You, too, could Go Wild In Edinburgh
Thanks for checking out the site – Tom

I'm Tom...
the guy behind the lens
I photograph wildlife in the city of
Edinburgh for a reason.....
It's helping me recover from TKR surgery & has helped me put off further surgery by 5 years!
After a total knee replacement, the medical advice was to 'keep walking', so 'Go Wild In Edinburgh' is a result of me walking with a camera, photographing wildlife. On the 1st Jan 2021, I decided to walk 10k steps a day, for one year! I completed the task but it didn't stop there, as I have walked over 5,500 miles over the last 4 years!
It's improved my general health, mental health & the photos themselves are slowly showing signs of improvement as well!
I hope you enjoy the photos on the website. It's a collection of the wildlife I see in our amazing city & surrounding area, most days and weeks - it's also my story of recovery & discovery.