Water of Leith

June 10, 2021

The river is managed by the Water of Leith Conservation Trust, based at the Water of Leith Visitor Centre 24 Lanark Road, Edinburgh, EH14 1TQ. The Trust’s mission is: ‘to conserve and enhance the Water of Leith as a haven for biodiversity and be an educational and recreational resource for all.’ [www.waterofleith.org.uk]

The Water of Leith Walkway starts in Balerno and comes into the city via Juniper Green & Colinton. In total, it flows for 12.75 miles, through the heart of the City of Edinburgh down to the Firth of Forth at Leith.

Walking along the walkway, you feel as if you’re in the countryside, in the city, as you pass Colinton Village and through the Colinton Tunnel and the woodland dells. Stop in at the Water of Leith Visitor Centre for a coffee before you walk under the Union Canal. As you continue, you’ll pass Saughton Cemetery and allotments before arriving at Saughton Park and its Winter Garden.

Carry on past Murrayfield Stadium to the Scottish Gallery of Modern Art and down to Dean Village. As you walk through Stockbridge and past the Royal Botanic Gardens, you’ll find yourself on the final stretch, through Canonmills and alongside Warriston Cemetery, down to the Firth of Forth in Leith.

You can see over 80 species of birds (not all at the same time) plus an abundance of non-flying wildlife such as badgers, foxes, otters and roe deer. Listen out for the kingfisher, watch for the heron fishing, keep your fingers crossed for an otter spot, as a fox watches you from behind the bushes! And at certain times of the year, there’ll be ducklings, goslings, cygnets, cubs, pups to keep you looking at the water!

Take a look at the Water of Leith Conservation Trust website – click here.