I was delighted to be asked to speak at the end of the Astley Ainslie Community Trust’s AGM on Wed 25 May 2022.
The first half of my talk was based on the work that I have done on the Water of Leith and various other wildlife hotspots in Edinburgh. The Second half of the talk was based on the wildlife within the Astley Ainslie grounds.
I had been assessing what wildlife there was, within the grounds of the Astley Ainslie for about 3-4 weeks. It was clear that certain creatures used the grounds as their home and other larger creatures used the grounds to forage and pass through. With the help of three strategically placed trail cameras, which I moved around every 3-4 days, I was able to collect footage that I wouldn’t otherwise have caught on my camera during the day.
The birdlife was very much what you would expect to find in such a woodland environment but the video footage below shows some of the creatures that we don’t always get to see in an NHS workplace during daylight hours.
PLEASE CLICK ON THE PICTURES BELOW TO START THE VIDEOS – all 3 videos are from the grounds of the Astley Ainslie & each one is about 1 min 25 secs.