I had booked a visit to the Isle of May earlier in July but the weather was so bad that the boat was unable to sail and the trip was cancelled. I re-booked for Fri 26th July and ended up with a glorious day weather-wise, in contrast to what I may have had to face earlier in the month! The weather was so good, I actually put sun cream on, for the first time in Scotland this year!!
With the trip being pushed back to the end of the month, it meant that some puffins had already left, together with most of the razorbills and guillemots and all of the arctic terns. There was still plenty to see and photograph and 3.5 hours on the island went in a flash.
Some creatures were too fast for me to photograph but the highlight of the ‘missed shots’ was a peregrine falcon that did a flyby twice – yes, I did miss it twice! The stars of the show are always the puffins for me, so it was great to be able to photograph them in sunshine. Here are some of the shots from Friday!