Greece – Flamingos, Pelicans & Dolphins – Sept/Oct 2024

October 8, 2024

Just back from a couple of weeks on the west coast of mainland Greece. Decided not to take my camera… but it found its way into my hand luggage just before we left!

Glad I took it because, as we were out wandering along the shoreline, looking for dolphins, we spotted a single flamingo in the distance.  From 300-400 yards away, it looked like a flying needle, until I had a look through my viewfinder and saw it was a flamingo! Lovely to see but too far away to get a photo.

I went back to the same spot, at sunrise the next day, to find 3 flamingos flying over head and several pelicans in the water.  I had never seen a flamingo or a pelican before this trip…never mind photograph them, so that was a real treat!

I had an issue photographing in such bright sunlight – I am so used to photographing Scottish Wildlife in low light that this was a challenge for me to adapt to… don’t get me wrong, I could get very used to photographing in bright, warm conditions!! Thankfully, I had had the opportunity to test settings/exposure, etc before the flamingos appeared.

Dolphins were always just a bit far away, the pelicans were a bit closer and I just got lucky with the flamingos flying right overhead!  Alway lovely to get unexpected shots!